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  1. S

    Input requested: I feel like I have plateaued….how do I strengthen and lose fat?

    @godisatulpa Thanks for the thoughtful input. You’re absolutely right and honestly might be unattainable for me at this stage! I’d love to get to 15-20x/month and see if that makes a difference. The only other thing I’m never sure of is if I’m eating too much or too little. I do normally drink...
  2. S

    Input requested: I feel like I have plateaued….how do I strengthen and lose fat?

    Hi Reddit, I’ve been browsing this sub for a long time and have gathered a lot of good information but am struggling with how I should proceed to hit my goal of losing fat and continuing to get stronger. Any input would be appreciated! Background: 38f, 5’1” 117 lbs, almost 2 years postpartum...