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  1. S

    6 Day 5/3/1 PPL

    Age: 34 Height: 6’1” Current Weight: 174 Goal Weight: 190lb (then deciding on whether to maintain or continue to lean bulk to 200lb) Intermediate lifter after 3 years of mostly consistent training and too many years of inconsistent training. I’ve been doing some form of 6 day PPL split...
  2. S

    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 I mean, cheat curls have their place, but I’d go with strict curls if you want to minimize body English as you up the weight.
  3. S

    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 Weighted chins/neutral grip pull-ups. For curls, ymmv, but I respond better to heavier weight and staying