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    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @yoli24 I actually started doing the side delt on - surprisingly good. Menno introduced it on an rp video.
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    Loose skin makes it unclear how much bodyfat I have

    @neverbeenalone The most accurate way is probably a Dexascan. They're about 100-200 usd. Measuring my waist was always a 2-3% off because most of my fat was in my torso, weirdly.
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    Lower/Upper/Lower for 3 days in a row, and then rest 1, and Upper again, and rest 2. Is it okay?

    @sammierose18 If you really want to do upper lower, you'd be better off with Lower, Rest, Upper, Rest, Lower, Upper, Rest. You want to do leg-oriented things before upper because back effects leg exercises more than recovering from leg effects back. You also may want to make the first Lower a...
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    Took your guys' advice and built myself a custom program, feedback welcomed

    @wmsgil I'll give some feedback here: You need a rest day. Don't burn youself into the sun by never giving your body a break. It will come back to haunt you. You can spend one day a week not at the gym for anything but light cardio. You shouldn't be supersetting large, heavy, compound...
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    None of my bulks (lean or dirty) ever seem to result in any muscle gain, and I honestly really don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point

    @daughteroftheonetrueking One thing I'll mention is that not all protein sources are equal. For example, only 65% of protein on peanuts is used for muscle building (or can be,) while 100% of it in whey, eggs and chicken can be used. Usually, if you're not gaining're not eating...
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    PPL or U/L

    @hollowcreed If you stay at maintenance volumes (which are a lot lower than people think) for another couple weeks, your connective tissues will probably be healed up. You could probably do a PPL and be fine. Or a ULU rest LU rest split and also be fine. Though, I would say to do shoulders on...
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    Going to failure VS chasing the pump VS volume

    @robrandazzo Depends on what you mean by "as little as 4-6 sets per session." Do you mean, per muscle group? I get fantastic pumps from 4 sets per muscle group per session and I move up a set every week if it stops. I stick to around 2-3 sets shy of failure until the second to last week where I...
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @minhphat Weren't long-length partials shown in studies to actually induce hypertrophy more than full rom? Sam Sulek usually does short length partials.
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    None of my bulks (lean or dirty) ever seem to result in any muscle gain, and I honestly really don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point

    @jdp8858 It's hidden further down in that album, but he's eating 150. Well, except, he's counting the outs as 10g (unless it's the rolled oats from Kodiak,) white bread as 10g, spaghetti as 22g, and then the peanut butter. None of.which carry the kind of protein used for muscle building...
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    App for ideal progress

    @irishkid777 Persist, but I think it's kinda free but you have to pay for custom workouts. It's a low one time fee though.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @luke2334janel I mean, bench depends on a lot of things. Arm length, how wide your chest is naturally, your weight, ect. Celebrate your accomplishes, not lambast them by comparing them to other people. I have long ass arms and long ass femurs (like, 51% of my height is legs and 6'3.). My safety...
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation Kind of. It may or may not use more spinal erectors (it does for me because I have long ass femurs,) but...the load is spread a lot more evenly with a low bar squat to the point where it's more fatiguing overall due to the added weight and load on more muscles. I'm more posterior...
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    High volume/highfrequecy advance Arnold split caused an energy crash/fatigue and muscle/joint sourness

    @mysteriousperson I think OP missed the part where Sam tells people specifically not to train like him. Sam figured out what worked for him and had been training since he was an early teen. Besides all the steroids, he does long length partials with heavy ass weight because he enjoys it. My...
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @emmierose80 Yah, that was my point. I was explaining how the OP did it (as in, he wasn't actually paying attention to RIR.)
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    Progress update using RP Hypertrophy app (Meso 3 of 4)

    @miles44 I can answer this because I've done it by accident, usually with bench. Basically, you don't realize you're actually dropping the RIR every set but staying at the sames reps. Then, at the final rep of the final set, you learn you were, in fact, a dumbass and hit failure. I've stayed at...