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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @john6574 I’ve never gotten a muscle up in an open workout and I’ve qualified three times out of the 90% qualifier metric. I think you’ll be surprised. You can likely still qualify if you put up a quick tiebreak for the first half.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @dawn16 There will probably be a tiebreak after the first part so you can always just go out hard for the first half and do the best you can. Lots of people will be hung up on the BMU, that’s why it’s in the back half.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @tezztv Yes, any grip allowed.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

    @psalm51flower Refresh fixed it.
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    2022 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6: Up and Over Discussion Thread

    @sonas Refresh + hit live fixed mine
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    2023 NoBull CrossFit Games IE6 - Helena Discussion Thread

    @giftsigns She was no repped and then repeated that side as a result.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @jck64 Yes, if you have the shoulder mobility and strength. If either of those are an issue for you, perhaps don’t.
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    24.3 leaked. They upload the video and forgot to put it private

    @jck64 Historically you’ve been able to use a chin up grip which is much easier and then you can just do them in singles.
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    Rogue Invitational - final day

    @christissovereign I mean I am a Laura stan and have been for years… but Tia IS post-partum and I think it’s entirely possible to celebrate Laura, and still acknowledge that competing at this level 5 months after giving birth is an insane feat of athleticism.