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  1. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @kukla Ive agreed with everyone giving feedback on this post for the most part, i am going to switch back to 2 sets per workout just like GVSs Ravage also indicated. This program is pretty much centered in HIT, going beyond faliure, and im handling it well tbh. The problem is GVS is at...
  2. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @junior59 Do you bench the day before? If yes, hows your performance on the OHP the next day? Really tempted to cut down bicep/tricep volume in favor of an OHP.
  3. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @junior59 Well technically I chose each excersise with care, I understand the concept/function of these muscle groups. GVS warms up with hammer curls then moves on to overhead extension work, these two I find very important for growth, and to really focus on. I only use cables for triceps with...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @lamberto Was almost going to switch back to exactly this, but ive been on this split for 5 months now, im too invested at this point. Also, the "arms day" feels like a break from heavy compounds by programing it in between Upper/Lower days, it just makes sense.
  5. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @helen2002 I understand your method, it makes alot of sense. On a last note, the only thing i technically swap is the equipment on curls or Lateral raises. Same movement, different tools, i like both freeweights and cables equally, which is why i swap them.
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @helen2002 So should I just do 2 different excersises for each muscle with 3 sets max? Or can I do 3 different with 3/3/2 sets each? Theres only two triceps excersises on day 2, not that much variation tbh. Biceps maybe i am doing too much of too many. How about shoulder volume for both days, is...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @leena2016 I only added the JM press to GVSs split, thats it, I dont feel i can do CGBP on arm day like he does.
  8. P

    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    Im currently on a GVS style Torso/Arms/Legs 6 day split, focusing on the compounds, progressing, and sticking to a handful of Isolation movements. My arms/shoulders day is as follows: Arms day 1: Rope curls 4x12-15 Pushdowns 3x10-12 Barbell curls 3x8-12 B/O tricep cable OHE 4x10-12 Upright...