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    17.2 r/CrossFit Open update

    @oldman1941 For whatever reason, my brain never comprehends the fact that I've placed lower on each individual workout(40th and 42th) than my overall ranking(37th). In both /r/rcrossfit open and my own gym's leader-board.
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    17.2 r/CrossFit Open update

    @theonelight Challenge the other 9 people to regional workouts and we will do reddit regionals
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    Sorry guys, I can't wait..

    @thriftfabulous I think we will have both too.... When I first got them I struggled to do them in workouts... I still can't really do many with an elevated heart rate.
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    Sorry guys, I can't wait..

    @thriftfabulous Nice work! Do you want them to be in the open now??