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  1. F

    Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

    @blessedyforgiven You’re welcome. I should add that I also like option 1 because I can have as much as 30% body fat and 35 bmi and be physiologically healthier (according to my blood test numbers) and physically healthier (I can do cardio and lift for longer) than individuals who have a lower...
  2. F

    Overcoming Low Testosterone: My Journey to Improve Health and Fertility

    @blessedyforgiven I’m in the same boat as you. I’ll give you the same two options I’m facing: Option 1: lower your bmi and introduce heavy compound lifting 5 times a week, increase your sleep to 7-9 hours a day and start eating foods With healthy fats, healthy cholesterol and healthy carbs...
  3. F

    Can anyone recommend a decent bro-split template?

    @zobers My bro split is as follows: Day 1: Chest with 1-2 triceps isolation (extensions) Day 2: bicep with 1-2 back isolation (lay pull-down) Day 3: legs with shoulder isolation (raises) Day 4: triceps with chest isolation (close grip bench) Day 5: back with bicep isolation (curls) Day 6...