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  1. S

    Feedback for Lifting Program

    @dawn16 Thank you for a thoughtful response on the kickbacks in this reply! I'll gladly add the skull crushers instead. As for the wikis, the people who wrote them had to learn, which is exactly what I'm trying to do. Despite your forwardness, you've given me a lot of qualitative feedback...
  2. S

    Feedback for Lifting Program

    @dawn16 Thank you for the qualitative feedback! I'll be taking this into account as I finesse my plan. I have shoulder instability that Arnold presses are working out. As well, they target the delts better than the overhead press, a muscle group that needs attention for me. As I said, I...
  3. S

    Feedback for Lifting Program

    @dinafrancis Thank you for pointing out the volume issues! As well, thank you for putting my frequency and weight into perspective. For the former, I'm very much learning how to push myself further than I think I can go. For the latter, I actually started my whole journey just walking five miles...
  4. S

    Feedback for Lifting Program

    Edited to reflect changes I'm looking for some more experienced folks to help me temper the program that I've been cooking up! I'm looking to address some weakness and imbalances that have come up, chiefly in my knees (arthritis), lower back (old injury), delts, and triceps. I've been making...