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  1. F

    Finally managed to rep 100lbs on dips (170lbs b/w)

    @jb77 Got it. All the best mate!
  2. F

    Finally managed to rep 100lbs on dips (170lbs b/w)

    @jb77 Ah I see. So you don’t rep to failure right (saving some reps in the tank)?
  3. F

    Finally managed to rep 100lbs on dips (170lbs b/w)

    @jb77 Solid reps! Would you mind sharing a bit more details of your upper body routine. You mentioned dips and pull-ups three times a week, but how many sets/reps and do you also do all of them weighted?
  4. F

    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @webslave Pic or it didn’t happen. JK bro, glad to hear your progress!
  5. F

    Pull-ups and Science

    @noodlesandmeatballs Thanks I’ll probably do that soon. For the record, I mainly do chins (underhand grip palm facing me) and rarely do pull-up (overhand grip palm facing away). Not sure whether it makes any difference. I feel chins hitting the problematic area better fwiw.
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    Pull-ups and Science

    @pinky1993 Thanks for the tips. Laying on my back with knees bent does feel better. Again, fwiw I mainly do chins (underhand grip) and rarely pull-up (overhand grip). I wonder if doing only dead hangs will also alleviate the back pain as it also decompresses the spine. Although in my case I feel...
  7. F

    Pull-ups and Science

    @this_dot Thanks for this. Did you come across any studies that deal with the possible correlation between pull up/chin-up in alleviating back pain? In my case, chin-up seems to alleviate my back pain (mid back area), which subsides every time i do chin-ups regularly but will resume when i stop...