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  1. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @eddym67 Nope. We eat legumes, TVP, tofu… I supplement with protein powder occasionally…
  2. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @eddym67 I don’t train if I’m really sick, like at the moment I have covid. I eat a big variety of food and don’t restrict anything. Lots of kombucha and sauerkraut regularly, plenty of legumes & fresh veggies. I don’t think I’m lacking in calories at all but I appreciate you raising that and...
  3. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @eddym67 Oh gosh haha I assure you that’s not the problem! 🤣 I see a sports nutritionist and I’m hitting 3 main meals and two good snacks a day.
  4. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @anaaaaa Yeah I’m waiting for someone to blame my “diet” 🙄 I have contact with so many people during the day, it’s so hard to avoid 😭
  5. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @christvision28 Yeah I’ve only had covid once and that was over a year ago. I don’t think wearing a mask in the office is practical for me and no one else does it so will seem quite odd.
  6. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @dawn16 Thanks. Yeah I feel like my symptoms have all been above the neck. I only cough because of a post nasal drip it feels like. I might just keep moving but at a low intensity, like a walk or yoga session today and see how that goes.
  7. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @elleoj Thank you, it sounds like a lovely meditation! Will start green tea too. I do love spicy food as well but might need to wait until the cough calms down first
  8. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @sunshinehally No kids - just my 60 adult office babies as I call them 🤣 some people have such poor hygiene and etiquette that I feel like they are children some days. I love them, but they need to wash up more
  9. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @xajmaht1 This is it - if I stop working out every time I’m sick I’ll hardly ever be able to do anything. I have to be in the office every day (except when I’m sick, I can wfh) so I’m constantly exposed to everyone’s bugs. A lot of people come to work sick too which is really frustrating.
  10. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @jesseessej Yeah but it’s a big space over 800m2 with lots of areas. I think touch points is the biggest issue tbh. I’ve had another word with our cleaners about daily sanitation but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  11. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @jesseessej Yeah unfortunately I’m not in control of the building HVAC 😢
  12. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @lisasoslea As it turns out, I did a test this morning & I have covid again 😢
  13. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @lisasoslea I’m in NZ - basically the same thing, right? 😜 I don’t rate the sanitation of our trains very highly either
  14. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    @lisasoslea Thanks. I do think I can sanitise more regularly but generally have good hand hygiene. I half considered starting to wear makeup again - kinda too lazy, hate taking it off, think it’s a waste of money for everyday wear & I work out in the morning then boost it to work so it’s hard to...
  15. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    Hi team! Looking for sympathy/advice/encouragement/anything… It seems that every time I’m getting into a good rhythm with my training, I come down with a cold. I’m not overtraining - I aim for two runs and two weight sessions a week and I throw in a yoga, Pilates, spin bike session or a swim...