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  1. W

    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday ...the giant 3.0 and legs. Tuesday and Thursday.... the giant 3.0 applied in supersets to pull ups/dips, ring rows/ring push ups.
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    Advice for a friend

    @rabbie77 Thank you. I have read up on loads of your stuff and it's great. I will pass this onto him.
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    Advice for a friend

    Always get great advice here. I love my kettlebell training and a friend of mine wants to take it up. He is a 56 year old male, fit all his life (cycling, skiing and manual work e.g. digging and construction work). He has asked me for advice on starting kb training. I myself started with Pavel...
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @hunter101 That's a good complex. I will do that when I finish this experiment. I will do the edt training method for the dips etc which will be my 10rm weight but only do 5 reps flat to the mat for 15 mins. Thank you
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @learnandbloom Been doing those edt training methods for the past few weeks and they are great. Thanks dude
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @learnandbloom I thank you fine sir for this info. Just what I was looking for. 👍Thank you for the link also.
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    Kettlebell weight recommendation

    @theheretic Did you weight train? What was your dumbbell shoulder press?
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @learnandbloom Edt?
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    What are your thoughts on this crazy stuff?

    @christianr_ I've no elbows left after watching the first 49 seconds.
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @franciscovelasco Thanks dude. Nice to get the weighted vest up and running again 🏃‍♂️
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @iamcliff Yes, I use a rachet strap!!
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @franciscovelasco I do weighted pullups and dips and rows and ring push ups. Going to do 5rm on em all
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    @franciscovelasco Will it be enough to maintain strength?
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel You, my friend need some gymnastic rings. These can be used for dips, pull ups and ring press ups. Not to mention flys and tricep extensions amongst other exercises. These can be adjusted easily for different difficulty levels and you will seen much gains. This is the way....
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    Apply Giant 3.0 to pullups and dips

    Looking to simplify my training completely for around 2 months. Anybody apply Geoff's giant 3.0 programming to other compound lifts? I'm looking to simplify my training so will only be doing compound exercises and no isolation work. I plan to superset opposing movements e.g horizontal pressing...
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    Minimalist program

    @dawn16 Ha, same as mine nearly. I ss pullups with press and pressups with rows
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    New program, what do you think?

    @joseb76 Superset with weighted pullups
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    New program, what do you think?

    @navyservant53 Agree.