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  1. J

    Kid refused to spot me today, so I returned the favor

    @aeri20 I don’t care much about him not spotting you. But asking you in the middle of a set is really annoying. Only people that would do that is a newbie at the gym or a complete asshole. You taking the time to write this petty thing shows it bothered you more than it should. Just let it go...
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    225 Squat for 12 (3rd Set)

    @songbird1028 that's a squat with good form. Nice job!
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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @boyboy999 Technique failure is about the same as actual failure for the main compound lifts (squat, deadlift, etc) if you are proficient at those lifts. Agreed on accessory machines definitely go past technique failure on them!
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    Low volume workouts and the effectivity of ‘RIR-based’ training

    @boyboy999 I powerlifted for seven years with accurate training in the RPE7-10 ranges and if you consider RPE10 as the point where you start having technique failure then RPE8 is not too bad.
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    Does anyone else think that the leg press is a superior quad builder compared to conventional barbell squats?

    @jinxy I love leg press but with a home gym the machine costs way too much.
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    New research: Bench pressing with the feet up causes greater chest activation

    @trinci Nice man, that's exactly my best bench ever also (did it at a powerlifting meet two years ago). That's why I asked why you chose that number. I only do it legs up bench when I want to 100% stop leg drive and get some free ab work. Always with lighter weight too
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    PPL 3 days or 6?

    @whwvekwk You can also try a 5 day upper/lower/push/pull/legs if 6 days is too much.
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @havik For real, it’s the one thing we don’t lose as much as we age. Speed, reflexes sure.
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    My partner (22F) really wants a bbl and I’m opposed due to known dangers. Is building a full rear realistic through bodybuilding?

    @decibyte She she willing to eat and squat + deadlift? I powerlifted for seven years and the amount of nice ass I saw everyday desensitized me to it 😅
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    Increased my sleep from 0-6 to 6-8 hours and it did not make any difference at the gym

    @amandabroken That’s exactly his question. Why isn’t his progress better with more sleep.
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    Do light workouts have benefit?

    @favorfromonhigh Agreed. If we are doing something important and time draining in our lives (new job, baby, etc), a period of sustain can be a very good and difficult thing to achieve!
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    Increased my sleep from 0-6 to 6-8 hours and it did not make any difference at the gym

    @bananaz Overtraining causes fatigue, declining performance, and potential injury. He said nothing to indicate this at all. He’s actually the opposite where he’s been making progress with low sleep.
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    Increased my sleep from 0-6 to 6-8 hours and it did not make any difference at the gym

    @dawn16 I noticed this too. Second person talking about overtraining for no reason.