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  1. F

    Personal training app recommendations?

    @gillr I did individual training on Caliber! It was really good and I met with my trainer a couple times a month by zoom. Great guy named Paul from the U.K. I think the training is worth the money. About 2 years ago it was like $300 something for three months which isn't too crazy
  2. F

    What do you say about my workout plan?

    @graceandpeace55 The only thing I would be wary of is joint pain/extreme fatigue. I only say this because on Friday you're combining two whole lifting days it looks like. Hitting body parts twice a week can absolutely be beneficial but my advice would be to make Friday a simpler upper body day...
  3. F

    Thoughts on my full body routine

    @more2much For a beginner this split isn't bad at all! Pretty balanced. Once you've done this for a couple months I would switch it up though! You'll notice you'll need more exercises per body part to properly hit them. Next I would move on to a split that is similar but more frequent. 4x times...
  4. F

    I created my upper / lower body routine. Is it good?

    @tjrc7777 My only advice would be to cut it down a little bit. This is a lot of exercises and sets for one single day. As a beginner this might be really tough to recover from. Just take it easy on yourself!!