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  1. J

    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @heartoftherighteous I use the app “HeartWatch” with my Apple watch and you can set it to alert you when your heart rate is at a certain percent of your max. I think it’s $5 for lifetime purchase. A few parts could be a lil easier (you have to turn the alert on every time you turn a workout on)...
  2. J

    Workouts that don’t push limits

    @panozaa_allbet This is fascinating! I have chronic migraine and exercise is one of my triggers, but I’ve been able to determine that mine only happen when my heart rate gets past a certain level (for me it’s 160 bpm) so I set an alert on my Apple Watch if I’m doing so much as an aggressive walk...
  3. J

    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @coffeecor Oh thanks I need to go rewatch this!