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  1. P

    Do you guys use any supplements?

    I prefer if I can to get as much nutrients as I can from the foods I eat, but I eat mostly fruits and vegetables, so I do use protein powder to help.
  2. P

    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Protein powder and sometimes I drink coffee before the gym or an energy drink maybe. It's not really specific to the gym for me though, I drink a coffee almost every day. I take vitamin d and zinc vitamins, but not related to gym, just reccomended by my doctor for deficiency. I'm going...
  3. P

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 I dont know a lot about it honestly (beginner & still slow) but i noticed things got a lot easier when I started taking the time to warm up first and I eased into going faster for the first 10 or so minutes. I also feel like stretching after helps a little.
  4. P

    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @michaelbtc I like to eat half a banana and a slice of cheese before I do cardio. I'm never sure what to eat before strength though, but I feel that not eating also seems wrong (I workout first thing so it's also my breakfast). What does low and hi gi carbs mean?