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  1. J

    What do you prioritize when you don’t have much time?

    @blueskies88 priority order 0: time management 0a: not overthinking things 1: Sleep If you couldn't slot 2 extra minutes at some point in the day to slot in an extra 25g of protein, that's horrible time mismanagement. Stretching maybe a bit longer but same thing
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    How to integrate running to strength training? What's your experience with running?

    @arunnihar Former long-distance runner turned lifter + science nerd checking in here. It's not quite as simple as you've outlined. I do agree there's a certain anti-cardio sentiment that is somewhat common among bodybuilders (cardio is hard and uncomfortable) but the literature does actually...
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @wmsgil yeah I'd +1 the suggestion on a slightly larger surplus, but trends do look good. I would agree with your assessment that there isn't a ton of visual progress, which isn't necessarily a bad thing given you appear to be in pretty good shape. If you wanted to just be "bigger" you probably...
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    Made absolutely no progress in the past year when I had pretty much everything dialed in, starting to lose motivation..

    @wmsgil Did you gain weight regardless of whether muscle or fat? Physique looks decent but if the scale isn't moving (that's what it looks like visually at least) you're not even lean bulking you're just maintaining
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    Your opinion is right: give us your tier list for any workout

    @heartfire agree with the assisted pull ups. I was a purist for a long time and did normie pullups but imo mind-muscle connection and pump is way better on assisted
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    Top 10 exercises

    @doks you can tell this guy has a huge dumpy
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    Top 10 exercises

    @victorcourville Fun exercise! In no particular order Barbell Bench Barbell Squat DB Lateral Raises DB Row Lat Pulldown Seated hamstring curls (the lying down ones are probably better but I hate doing them) DB Hammer curl Katana extensions (50% because they look kinda cool, but they also give...
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 potentially yeah. If you're just trying to find the threshold, it's likely lower than 0.8kg but it's important to call out the distinction as what amount of protein is needed to build any muscle (the study you're looking for) vs what amount of protein is needed to maximize protein...
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 I haven't seen any but also don't really expect there to be. Usually research wants to answer some particular question or hypothesis and I doubt there's much interest in identifying minimum protein threshold in a bodybuilding context. Not a huge audience of people who want to get...
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @confusedgirl98 not a doctor, but generally clicking isn't necessarily bad if it doesn't come with any pain or discomfort. I had a clicking ankle for several years while I was a distance runner back in high school. It was annoying but didn't get worse or progress. Went to see a doctor and he...
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 Let me rephrase- what question are you trying to answer? Will you still build muscle on 0.8g/kg of protein? Likely yes If you go low protein to the point where your body has a protein deficiency will you build muscle? Probably not Maybe this video would be helpful/relevant
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 what exactly are you trying to get out of this question? Minimum effective dose? Or just some weird thought experiment?
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors Ya fair question, kind of complicated answer. My current split is pretty heavily autoregulated based on how I feel. Loosely follows Arnold split. I have 3 days D1 - chest+ back (including bench) D2- shoulders + arms (seated ohp is my main shoulder compound) D3 - legs I aim...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors Gotcha ya if your focus is just side delts for that day that seems fine. I overindexed a bit because I do a shoulder+arm day as well but it's a full shoulder routine for me (with pressing etc). Ordering shoulders later in the workout seems fine to me then. As far as...
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    Arms/Shoulders isolation day

    @pathofwarriors Too many different exercises. Pick a few decent ones and call it a day. Some kind of supinated grip curl, some kind of neutral grip curl for brachialis (hammer curl) Some kind of tricep extension with arms below your head. Some kind of extension with arms above your head...
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    What is your favourite meal during a weight loss phase?

    @namibia Very timely as people begin their summer cuts, or hopefully have already started unlike me 😂. I'm not usually a breakfast eater but adding oatmeal in the morning seems to help. Unintuitively just the normal Quaker oats in a packet which does have some extra sugar in it. I find it...
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @asperd lol I might have seen the exact same Dr. Mike video this morning about DB incline bench (kinobody video?). I took shoulder dumbbell press out of my routine earlier this year since imo kicking the dumbbell up to position itself is somewhat dangerous (and was basically how I injured...
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @constantine1946 thanks for clarifying. It's a somewhat nuanced topic. BB compounds are definitely not absolutely necessary (and people make great progress without doing them), the main draw is that they work a lot of different muscles at once (and are very time efficient). The core of...
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    I guess it’s time to deload?

    @fromissouri If in doubt, take a deload. Training is stimulus for muscles to grow, but your muscles grow during recovery. Really, you should be trying to schedule a deload every ~8 weeks or so, but I for one am terrible at following that and tend to deload when I'm either traveling, need some...
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    Question about Compounds and specifically barbell movements

    @constantine1946 respectfully, what is this yap session? I read it 3 times and still not really sure what you're asking. You can injure yourself doing weight you're comfortable with. I hurt my shoulder last year (took like 4 months to fully rehab) doing dumbbell shoulder press with like 40s...