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    Hemp V Whey V Casein V Soy V Pea

    @rickyrixon84 Also Frankly, unless you have some reason (allergies, veganism, etc) stick with a good whey product. As to "best" for weight loss... the one with the fewest calories. You should read the...
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    Recovery Tactics For Busy People Who Train Hard

    @cherryjohnson Be careful with cold treatment during training. Theres evidence that it blunts post exercise adaptation. Use it for acute recovery for competitions, but not routinely during training.
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    Copyright/legal Q

    @klara123 You can't copyright a recipe in the US. I'd extend that to a list of exercises.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @cz1611 Not justifying it, but this isn't weight lifting language, this is sports/playground/locker room language. Whining or crying or being weak is "being a pussy". It has been since humankind has language. Hell, Shakespeare made pussy jokes in his plays. It's also marketing, weight lifting...