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    I LOST 7 lbs IN 2 WEEKS!!!

    @moshil Congrats!
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    F/34 5’2 (on a good day); 229>154=75 lbs. GW: 125. I am DONE with ill-fitting clothing!

    @rodite Thank you so much for this message! It has helped me so much because it really addressed some of the things I've been doing wrong - especially not tracking carefully. I've made excuses to not track certain days or skip weighing in, especially if I knew I didn't eat my best. Thank you...
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    F/34 5’2 (on a good day); 229>154=75 lbs. GW: 125. I am DONE with ill-fitting clothing!

    @rodite Congrats! Do you have tips that helped you when you first started or when you would hit a plateau? I'm working out at home, but am limited with what I have and eating better. There are just some days where I feel like I lack motivation, so if you have tips on dealing with those days that...