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  1. L

    Genetics aren’t what you think they are

    @chain94 Never heard of CRISPR?
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @lovely_krystal86 Most exercises maybe 1 or 2 between sets. Sometimes like when I do squats then deadlifts I feel like my body just gives up. Other day on deads it read like 12 8 then 4. But I had already done squats and it may have been more mental than physical exhaustion.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @luke2334janel Do you deload? I'm in my 40's and I notice after 4 weeks of working out 4 days a week I will be much more tired after my workouts and recovery is harder. I typically go 4-6 weeks then take a week off. More often 4 weeks. I read, doing less volume vs no volume was basically the...
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    overtraining impacting results

    @luke2334janel I been working out almost 2 years. Last I did barbell bench I did 165x7. Currently doing 2 sets of 60x12 and 1 60x11 dumbbell. But but but I am still a fat dude. 5'11 and 232 this morning. I was 320. So I went on a huge bulk before and you are much leaner than me. I also...