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  1. J

    Review my daily supplement stack

    @joejefferson Why the fuck are you taking a cleaning product as a daily supplement???
  2. J

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @moni079 What I see (doing first show Ocb-LV in may) Chest is lacking and core too Definitely need to get a posing coach especially with the asymmetry issues. Lats and shoulders are nutty plus your lower back right side has a fucking london broil sized muscle wow
  3. J

    UPDATE: I’m having almost no luck building muscle. VIDEOS ADDED

    @hellokitty I dont understand. Ive lifted for TWO WHOLE WEEKS and I’m not fucking ripped!