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    High Blood Pressure from KB’s

    @jimpncc Fwiw I’ve taken lisinopril and a beta blocker for years with zero side effects. So nothing to worry about regarding lifestyle change.
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    High Blood Pressure from KB’s

    @jimpncc Might just be getting older, sorry chief. I started taking medicine for BP in my early 20s even though I was running marathons and shit back then ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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    Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

    @shelbydiaz636 Really is. Coached me through a bulk and about to finish a cut. Love it.
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    Thoughts on Thomas Delauer's Macro's: 225g Potein | 100g Carbs | 100g Fat @180lbs

    @ablessedwoman Just use MacroFactor if you want 'active' coaching, it incorporates the best science to generate you a constantly updating nutrition plan. Or read some freely available content and do it yourself.
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    Small waist

    @schubert If you think you're losing fat and your waist isn't changing, you are mistaken.
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @ecce Poor guy. So common. Hope he sees the light and gets to enjoy what his body is capable of!
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @totalfloor How many people your age do you know that could do that? Not that many. Great job.
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc Been there. How much do you need to lose?
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe Saw 255 was expecting a squat! You're 11 years older than me, hope I can get that strong by then, dang!
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc Oh man no way! Don't give up. If you feel stagnant mix up your program or try a new sport. Keep it going! I lost 120lb from my biggest and being able to enjoy sports and fitness has been the best part of being leaner. I get so pumped up at the gym when I see a person working hard to...
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe Hell yeah brother! I'm with you there! Let's spread the word everywhere we can.
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    Frustrated over being very fat.

    @ms7dc It's awesome you're in great cardiovascular shape and have a high work capacity. Reallocate some of that drive to calorie counting and get that next thing done. You can do it
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    They say old guys shouldn’t lift heavy weights

    @maxmanroe ok so "they" are the ignorant clowns that don't know what they're talking about?
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ms7dc Been there! Enjoying fitness along the way makes it so much better and definitely improves your health along the way too. Stoked for your journey!
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @mw99nd Woah what's up! LOL I got in your head huh? Have a nice evening :D
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ecce Right, it's a very easy screening tool, but people like to point to edge cases where it misclassifies and say it's worthless, especially if it has 'bad news' for them. BMI + waist circumference would be a much more accurate way to identify people with adiposity issues, but that's a bit...
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @ecce You're right it is a bad measurement. 55% of people 'normal' by BMI actually carry excessive bodyfat. Only 5% of people classified as "overweight" (like you) actually have a healthy body composition. It's flawed in that it far too frequently indicates to people that they don't need to mind...
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    Review my diet and suggest improvements

    @vergel Yep. If your weight loss rate plateaus for a week or two id lower 100 calories
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    Possible to be in good cardio shape but very fat?

    @skye4him Thanks for correcting me. My observations come from observing performance in cycling both stationary and road. There are tons of people BMI 25+ that put out and sustain a LOT of watts. Their mortality is probably decreased significantly vs less conditioned peers of similar BMI.
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    Almost 40 and in the best shape of my life

    @uzezi Why do people always have to say this? If someone wasn't exercising, then started without changing their diet, then the exercise led to the fat loss. Exercise can help with fat loss and it's critical for health.