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  1. R

    How to progress pull-ups? (F25)

    @notmyname Well first off, losing progress in a week is a bad sign that during your rest periods you aren't feeding your muscle properly. Going a week without working a muscle group should offer you larger recoveries and optimal strength when going back in. Try adding BCAAs to your diet daily...
  2. R

    Why am I so muscular but not that strong?

    @daughterofaking The real question I have are why are you in a bulk while doing this? I'd go for light cut with high protein moderate carb yield to lessen fat mass while maintaining strength increase. A bulk seems counter intuitive to progression at this point because you're adding 2 types of...
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    1MP - 1 Million Push-Up Challenge (50k update)

    @fragilewingz Make sure you're taking progress pics then. It's hard to only see the appearance change by looking in the mirror, having something to compare to will be the best tell. Also take Body measurements. Chest/Arms/etc.
  4. R

    Why am I so muscular but not that strong?

    @hazeldenise1952 As a fitness coach, I approve this message.