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  1. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @fhim Thanks! And ofc! I went back and added a post underneath detailing my routine!
  2. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @jlynn96 My form was pretty good up until the last 5 or so where I had to really push haha.
  3. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @rotbre Just dropped it under my post sorry I should’ve included it!
  4. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @gracie421 Thank you so much!!
  5. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @carlea Thanks! And yes sir, I made sure form was paramount while training for a new max, the last 3-4 reps though are questionable haha!
  6. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @justinonesixteen I usually just stretch to loosen up and do some light cardio to get my body going, really helps me not feel stiff on the first couple of sets.
  7. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @ari3l654 Negatives, pike push-ups to failure and regular push-ups till failure 3x a week
  8. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @dawn16 I don’t know the exact science behind it but I feel like it conditions my body to handle more weight than what I weigh naturally. Sort of like if you lose weight, pull-ups and whatnot become easier
  9. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @justfortoday I have a backpack I got off Amazon and I just put a 40lb dumbbell in it! Works fine for me. If you’d like I could dm you a link of the backpack I use?
  10. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    For those who wanted to know my training schedule! While I know this is a bodyweight sub I believe what truly helped me was weighted push-ups. I went from 40 to 60 this year alone by wearing a 40lb pack and doing 4 sets of 8 with it on. What got me to 40 was negatives and pike push-ups. I did...
  11. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @veritas1 Appreciate it dude!
  12. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @candycehill Thanks! Yeah just constantly doing them to failure and in different variations really helped me out. It is really criminally underrated!
  13. J

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    I used to lurk here on another account. I just wanted to thank you guys for all the advice and tips you gave out on this sub the past few years. It’s been mentally tough and physically of course. But through a lot of hard work and dedication, i reached an achievement i didn’t think I’d ever...