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    Dry fighting weight c&p question

    @kampell Bruh, I’ve been doing some dead snatches in my current program and those sneak up on ya! Taking that swing out of the snatch or clean sucks haha
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    Phil daru vs Everygotdamndre programs

    @great79 It’s just one of many programs I run throughout the year. It’s nice to keep things fresh for my own mental health too lol
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    Fat and Out of Shape Firefighter Update

    @melkrampas Sounds like your setting yourself up for the long term, which is great. Dont rely on the bmi as a good measurement. It’s extremely outdated and doesn’t take the active lifestyle into account. I’d say weight and bf % would be the two to watch. I’m around 15% bf and my bmi is...
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    Phil daru vs Everygotdamndre programs

    @great79 Takes me around an hour to 1:15 to do his workouts. It is a lot of volume if compared to most kb programs here but not too much by any means. As for the tutorials, not sure what else you would need after watching him demo the exercise for you.
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    King sized killer phase 2 slow progress

    @lbeebe48 Yea. I picked up a pair of those wodies off Amazon. Best money I’ve spent in awhile.
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    King sized killer phase 2 slow progress

    @learnandbloom Thought I had a cardio base lol. Routinely do the ski erg and rower. Haven’t been running in awhile though. I also suspect my weight training before the KSK session is sapping me a bit.
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    King sized killer phase 2 slow progress

    Doing dfw spoiled me I think. I progress my reps weekly the whole time. Snatches progressed in phase 1 but I’ve hit a wall in phase 2. Phase 2 is the 3,6,9 then 3,6 then 3,6,9,12. I think it’s the cardio aspect that’s my main roadblock. I’m doing a fair amount of extras before each KSK...
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @tonedr I switched to another program after phase lol. I’ll definitely come back to it at some point tho
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @juliedowntherabbithole It’s only 3 weeks, but I’d like to be able to complete each set without putting it down. Using a 28kg for this program. Would like to grab another for the next dfw or wolf program I do.
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @lbeebe48 That’s an interesting way to do it. I did 3 on the left, 3 on right, rest. Then 6 on left, set bell down, 6 on right rest. Then 9 on left, set bell down, 9 on right, rest.
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    @jar1437 That’s the way I did phase 1 also. The higher reps on phase 2 had me setting the bell down between arms on the 6’s and 9’s. Let me know how ya go when ya get to phase 2.
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    DFW W1D1: Second time through

    @meeksoul I started out doing it like you and setting it down between the cp and fs. Eventually, I just would clean between the cp and fs. I found it easier to not put them down. Like you said, it kinda killed the flow.
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    King sized Killer phase 2 smoked me today

    Started phase 2 which is the strength endurance phase. Ladders of 3,6,9. Twas absolutely brutal on the lungs and grip (in a good way lol). For those who have done this one, did y’all ever put the kb down before switching to the other arm? I ended up doing that for the sets of 6 and 9...