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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @leftfield66 I'm sorry to hear that. I don't believe my issue was sodium related. I think the muscles connectoed to my occipital muscle in the back of my skull were under constant aggravation. It took quite a while to get things calmed... specifically a lot of mobility, foam rolling , plow...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @loveandfear I think my headaches and the sodium were not connected. My occipital muscles I think were aggravated and were causing the constant headaches. Doing some dry needling in my upper back, massage, mobility, etc helped.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @loveandfear Yes they did.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @dawn16 No...thing is I ate plenty of salt. The headaches were unrelated to it, I believe...but adding the potassium I think was helpful
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @dawn16 I honestly have no clue. It could be not enough potassium which you want more of to balance with sodium
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @corinthian17 Potassium and sodium are closely related. IIRC potassium assists with retaining sodium and helps reduce loss via urination etc.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @corinthian17 I increased potassium which I definitely didn't get as much of daily...but I don't think the sodium was the issue, I had to do alot of stretching and mobility for my upper back as it was tight with my occipital muscle
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @paulotarsus I don't think there is anything wrong with getting opinions on a fitness forum directed at people over the age of 30 on a topic about specific information. That is all I'm doing, I'm not seeking to take anyone's advice as 'medical advice' even if they state in their comments "I am a...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @dawn16 ah gotcha. Thanks, I will check that out!
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @purplepurple I have averaged about 6-7 hours of sleep for over a decade. Usually 8+ on weekends. I don't drink coffee. I don't drink sugary drinks. I will have 1 Monster Zero in the morning, and I'll take a pre-workout powder in the afternoon. So on average, I do take in ~300-400mg caffeine a...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @rodofmoses you father was a salesman, traveled out to the west coast a lot, was in the lumber industry...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @rodofmoses is your dad my dad?
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @guilhermesilva My family doctor, who I first saw about the headaches. The ordered the CT scan and the bloodwork. They are the ones who contacted me about the follow up on the bloodwork. Because I'm the patient, I also allowed myself to have access to my health online portal when the blood...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @michmass oh wow. Well I am very sorry to hear all that and what you have had to deal with. Sounds like quite an adventure in experimentation to figure it all out though lol.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @michmass can you elaborate on this? I've never heard of this. I've had ocular migraines before (zigzag pattern) while working on computers...and it gets to the point where the brightness of the screen becomes too intense I can't look at it, and then I have to get into a dark room...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @sweeby20 I got my results digitally on Saturday. My doctors office called this morning and brought up my numbers and about scheduling a referral for an endo.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @deniseojinaga love how my response to you and simply informing you my globulin level is below normal is downvoted and being told it is fine is if this seems like common knowledge lmao.
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @deniseojinaga So my family practice has a handful of doctors. I've primarily seen 1, but I have twice seen another (because I wanted to get in and the first one wasn't available). A couple of those times it was about headaches. One of those times the concern was possible muscle tension in...
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    Just got bloodwork back from the doctor, low sodium..

    @deniseojinaga I am currently increasing potassium in the meantime. That is something I have neglected. If I honestly had to guess, I was probably getting anywhere from 500-800mg or less a day, and that might even be a generous estimate I read the RDA recommendation is 4500mg. Either way, I...