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  1. T

    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    @dawn16 A little over a year of crossfit. I'm at 5-7 workouts per week on 5-6 days of the week, but I definitely worked up to that level. I was "keto-adapted" before I started and as I built up my workouts I ratcheted down my carbs. Now I eat like 75% fat, 25% protein by calories with trace...
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    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    @dawn16 "Working for me" in some nebulous, some numerical measures - I've been able to keep up with my workouts (5-7 crossfit WODs/wk, on 5-6 days), increase my strength on lifts, decrease times (sprints, benchmark hero wods, etc.). I've also never been injured, never taken more than 3 days off...
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    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    @dawn16 /@faithchangesthinking Both presumably true... it's been working for me for the better part of 18 months without any supplementation tho so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    @elena5050 Do you mean supplementation as in some sort of pills/intake of salt above and beyond what's in food? I heavily salt (pink-Himalayan or regular iodized...whatever's around) the food I eat, but only to taste. I haven't made an effort to eat salt above and beyond that. Would you...
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    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    @marmoora Thanks! This is really helpful
  6. T

    Any r/zerocarb-ers here? Or very low carbers (i.e. Lower than standard keto)

    If so, what do you eat and how much? How often do you crossfit and how's your performance?