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  1. G

    Daily full body -how important is variety?

    @chris1975 You need to keep increasing load to maintain high intensity. High intensity stimulates growth in muscle mass and strength. Training with the load that you can rep only 5-8 times is considered optimal and relatively high intensity. Whenever you can finish 8 reps in all your sets...
  2. G

    What is a better transition workout: easier variations vs negatives vs lower reps vs longer rest?

    @yahleel For the 3 (negatives), my opinion is that for some people it works fine, but generally if your muscle is not strong enough for positives, tendons and joins are not ready for them either. So one can be risking injury, as I experienced, as it's hard to determine how much is too much...
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    Exercises w/ sensitive knee

    @iprayforpeace (1) Lower the intensity and increase reps. Do bodyweight squats of such a depth that you can make 50+ until your legs burn. (2) Balance on one leg until you can't stand on it any more if your life depends on it. (3) Exaggerate the pain in your doctor's office so that you get...
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    Daily full body -how important is variety?

    @massico Avoid elliptical. It's bad for knees for two reasons. One, it forces foot-knee alignment through entire range of motion that may not be you natural alignment. Walking and running for example are done on ball of the foot allowing heel to rotate to maintain natural joint alignment. As...
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    How bad can i expect the loose skin to be ?

    @saved123 Most anxiety and depression comes from worrying about things that never materialize.
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @kc8vji This study doesn't take into account long term muscle composition change when doing exclusively low rep high load training. This is very important for elite athletes such as Olympic lifters, javelin throwers etc. For them, especially if competing in weight class sports, it is important...
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    It will happen, give it time! Noob bodybuilder here. :P

    @mattw I could do 1 wide elbow pushup 3 months ago. Now days I do anywhere from 6 to 15 depending on whether I put them up front or later in my workout, or how fast or slow I do them. It's sometimes frustrating and surprisingly low reps but I am sure in one thing, 6 is now absolute minimum and...
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    IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

    @alephnull No, I totally switched my diet so the only relevant for me is r/WFPB sub. My engineering background thought me if in trouble always go back to fundamentals. So first i noticed we all focus to much on macro nutrients while we can feel hungry for micro nutrients, which we regularly...
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    IMO, the sub name has to be changed. 90% of the posts here are in the wrong sub

    @alephnull Yeah, only the losit sub became a feel good sub on which anyone who dares to say that one needs to eat a bit less to lose weight is instantly downvoted. No practical real world advice could be given or taken there any more.
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    Golfer’s Elbow: why won’t you quit me?!

    @praen4you It might help you if you know what's actually happening with the injured tendon. Often injury by overuse is not large enough to stimulate proper collagen repair so the new tissue grows disoriented and become entangled with the nerves running through the tendon. This tags on the nerves...
  11. G

    Barely progressing despite doing everything right?

    @440281/ At this rate you would double your strength in 2 years. I don't see that as "barely improving". Just saying. /grin Regarding pullups: between 0 and 1 can be a huge strength gap. You need to do band or machine assisted pullups in 10-12 rep range to see exactly where your...