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    I’m gaining weight even though I’ve reduced my calorie intake 😭

    @stigss Weigh yourself in the morning morning right after you wake up. That is the best time as you have fasted and not eaten anything. Even sometimes weight can fluctuate. Mine can fluctuate to up to 3lbs.
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    What’s your favorite physical activity?

    @g3ntl3w4rri0r I do a couple of sports but my favourite right now is pole dance. The unfortunate thing is it is an expensive sport. It’s a full body workout of stamina, stability, strength and flexibility. And the more one advances, the more advance moves requires a lot of flexibility. So to...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @zazzi I have been lifting since late 2015 so I already have a background and know what good form is. So it was very easy for me to continue doing it. I definitely had to drop weight as I got bigger. And while it's not captured, my husband was spotting behind me while I was lifting since it's a...
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    I think I have to start tracking again I’ve been snacking too much/eating too much junk and it’s taking a toll on me. 5’2” 27F 127lb

    @adriana28 Have you considered that the 3lbs you have put on is perhaps muscle? I mean you said you continued being active lifting 4 times a week. Perhaps you are eating more as well because your body is using that extra calories to build muscle. If you are still progressively overloading, that...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @markedbychrist Yes! Once out of the 4th trimester, it gets easier and baby gets a lot more responsive. Finally your son open his eyes and see the world. It just gets better from then although there will still be sleep regressions and such. Our daughter is now 3 and she says the cutest things...
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    Progress Update! Maintaining 2+ yrs 30F | 5’0

    @lapinot I just noticed that you eat 1500-1700. Pole dancing makes me very hungry and I am eating beyond 2600 nowadays ever since I installed my own home pole and am doing more pole than lifting. Despite maintaining the same weight and eating more(actually I can’t help it because I’m hungry...
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    What Metrics Do You Care About and Why?

    @namaoza Generally I go by this Health is a big concern for me since I suffer from PCOS so I try to be as balance as possible as when it comes to diet and exercise. I like to do a variety of sports so one can say I’m actually a master of none. I do enjoy Muay Thai, pole dance and lifting. My...
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    Calling all multi-sport ladies

    @christseekingstudent Me too! After doing Muay Thai for years and have competed before. It has become my active rest day. My body has become so accustomed to it that it’s not tiring anymore.
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @markedbychrist Oh yes definitely. I think the years of Muay Thai and lifting developed a strong core which was why I didn't have any backaches then. I recovered extremely well physically. However my mental health was another thing. I had PPA. However, when I went back to working out again, my...
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    Progress Update! Maintaining 2+ yrs 30F | 5’0

    @lapinot I remember you because you are a pole dancer and you mentioned before you prefer to be at this weight and petite because it’s easier on pole. I believe so for us petites that certain moves on the pole like those that involves deadlifts are easier on smaller sized people. I can...
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    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @woollybear I mean you said so yourself. You didn’t exercise for 2 weeks and saw your belly got super flat. Most probably you lost the pounds as well. You just can’t suddenly lose that much weight or body fat in that short amount of time. It seems like those are benign weight caused by either...
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    A Powerlifter Has A Baby - My Pregnancy/Postpartum Story

    @markedbychrist Im also 4ft11 and I lifted heavy and did Muay Thai throughout my pregnancy. Except for the third trimester I drop Muay Thai because belly was in the way of kicking. However I did continue lifting. Me at 35 weeks lifting heavy. I'm not a powerlifter, I lift just for fitness and...
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    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    @jessica50332 I had the same feeling before. Sometimes it’s not really aesthetics but rather if you have been lifting for a long time somehow your body has peaked. And when something remains status quo for some time, naturally you will start nitpicking at it. That said it will remain the same...
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    Did anyone else struggle with their body image MORE as they got stronger/lost weight? How did you learn to appreciate your “new” self?

    @prayhouse I mean the obvious answer is if you have been doing that much cycling. Chances are your legs are gonna be big. Cyclists have pretty big thighs. My body image was the worse at my lowest weight. At my lowest weight I weigh around 92lbs and my upper body was super skinny and I had no...
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    Calling all multi-sport ladies

    @samuelpautu I do pole dance, aerial hammock, Muay Thai and lifting. Prior to pole dance and hammock I was just doing Muay Thai and lifting. To make thing easier for us(my husband also lifts) we own a home gym and I actually have a home pole as well for practice. Right now lifting weights is...
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    What’s a feasible GW for 5’ 1”?

    @earthangelone 120lbs sounds good for 5’1. The last 10lbs is generally the most difficult to lose when you are already at a healthy weight. There’s no need to make any drastic changes. Just throw in a daily walk as your cardio and that should be sufficient.
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    Day one…again

    @walton The answer wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the other person. The stats, timing don't add up to gaining a ton of muscle. You can lean out, make your muscles more visible or tone as you want to call it. But you don't just gain a lot of muscle in a short time especially on a...
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    What is your lifting/cardio routine?

    @michaelo I exercise everyday! Monday, Wednesday, Fri- Lift. I followed Thinner leaner stronger 3 day split. Normally it takes me 1.5 hours max. I will also do pull ups on these days as well on top of the program. Having a home gym makes things a lot easier. Tues: Pole dance for 2 hours...
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    Day one…again

    @keai95 Because it's not possible to put on a "ton" of muscle especially when you have been working out from only last year. Women in general can only put on 10lbs of muscle in a year and that is already a good estimate provided you aren't in a calorie deficit and am having good nutrition and...
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    Day one…again

    @keai95 Women can realistically only gain 10lbs of muscle per year if they are newbie lifters. That's the best amount with serious lifting. It's gets even harder to put on muscle every year. Probably at best 0.1-0.3lbs per month after the second year. And this is done without a calorie deficit...