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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @lsatschristianprayer Happy to help. Good luck
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @lsatschristianprayer Hell yeah! 700-750 kcal deficit is what I would do in an aggressive fat loss sprint. It’s a lot, I know… but you know that it’s for a short period of time, so you can mentally prepare to battle. Also, the scale moves nearly on a day-by-day basis, and visual results start...
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @lsatschristianprayer I deal with sleep maintenance issues as well. I convince myself that as long as we’re not up for prolonged periods of time, that it’s ok! I tend to wake up between sleep cycles, but can manage to fall back asleep within minutes most of the time. As for what to do in your...
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @tholmes12 That’s awesome, congrats on the progress! It’s amazing how the basic things have such an impact over the long run. Sticking to a program was arguably the hardest thing for me, mainly because I would hop from bodybuilding style training to powerlifting style training. I’d get so...
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @sehnsucht9 Fair enough. As long as you have a system and you stick to it, more power to you!
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @arrows Btw, 2 things. 1) you’re not married to any specific exercise. If you keep running into walls on one of them, try another variation — there are many great horizontal pressing variations! 2) not all workouts are great workouts. That’s OK! Don’t misunderstand me and have these unrealistic...
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @arrows At the end of the day, we want more mechanical tension on a muscle, not simply more reps. If you keep plateauing on the same exercise time and again, it may be that you’re “progressing” too fast on that exercise. It’s too easy to make micro adjustments in form over time to get more...
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    If you had 1-month to get in the best shape possible, what would your workout regimen and nutrition be?

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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @arrows Are you stagnating on all lifts or just some lifts? When you do stagnate, how long are you stagnating for? Are you “checking your boxes”?
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @dbirdez I have been doing PPL for years now. The set up hasn’t changed at all. What does get changed is the exercises and rep ranges. I change exercises only when I’ve stalled for over a month despite checking all my boxes and doing everything right. I just change the variation — the movements...
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @nazerbruhiljc See above reply :)
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @pablo2210 I do 3 days on / 1 day off, and repeat. Some weeks it’s 6, most weeks it’s 5.
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    Need help With my Routine

    @mariaisabella Not necessarily. Start at low-moderate and focus on making progress. If things stall, you can slowly increase volume. Good luck champ
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @pablo2210 It’s an individualized variation of the very standard PPL. You can find a great template on Built with Science. The exercise variations I perform are a bit different, but the set up is pretty much the same — with the...
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    Need help With my Routine

    @mariaisabella One squat movement (doesn’t need to be a barbell squat, could be a smith or hack squat or leg press) one hip hinge movement (RDL, SLDL, Good morning) One leg curl, one leg extension, and one calf press. … and you’re good
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    Need help With my Routine

    @mariaisabella Do your future self a favor and give legs the attention they deserve — at least a day dedicated to them. A PPLU would keep your upper body the focus of your training, and mitigate imbalances.
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @honoringintimates Exactly. A lot of this stuff is intuitive. People inherently know this. But there’s not enough emphasis on nailing the basics in the field because it’s not as catchy.
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    Tips from experience: how I ended years of stagnation

    @cubits 1987 gang! I totally agree. What are some tracks that are heavily on rotation atm?