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  1. C

    Anyone else’s body responds better to 1-5 reps ranges?

    @seanni I’m the opposite. As a calisthenics guy and climber I’ve trained endurance my entire life so I’m used to the ‘burn’ of lactic acid in my arms and can often still push for a lot longer (I’ve done 10+ min dead hangs even though pain starts at around 2-3 min). With strength exercises I’m...
  2. C

    What is a better transition workout: easier variations vs negatives vs lower reps vs longer rest?

    @yahleel It depends what your goals are. If you’re trying to build muscular endurance then go with options 1, 2, and 4. If you want to build strength then option 3 is more appropriate. I’d recommend adopting a reverse pyramid approach if you want both, starting with your hardest sets first...
  3. C

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @debbie3832 Well the goal is to do it in the fastest time possible so no defined rest, but inevitably rest times increase as you go up the ladder, as you become more fatigued and have to do larger and larger sets. The first few rungs I basically rested maybe 5-10 seconds, but this ended up...
  4. C

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @jely It’s a good way to build endurance by allowing you to perform more reps in a given set. It also really taxes your core and chest/shoulder/tricep stability and control by holding the push-up position for a longer period of time. It’s a similar reason to why people do pull-ups and shake...
  5. C

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @davidcarroll You can let go with one arm doing push-ups as well…..
  6. C

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @jesscat Indeed. You should try seeing how many you can do with shakeouts (letting go with one arm and resting it). If you can do 60 normally then you will be able to do 100+ with this method. And also what helped me build a lot of endurance was ladder training. 1 rep, 2 reps, up to as many...
  7. C

    Three years ago I couldn’t even do 1 pushup. Today I did 60

    @jesscat Nice work! 60 push-ups is elite level. I’ve always said that endurance calisthenics is criminally underrated. So much focus on heavy weighted pull-ups and dips etc but mastering your own bodyweight for very high numbers of reps is incredibly tough.