Search results

  1. T

    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @mamaof4boys Hello! I lift 4x’s a week (full body, though each day emphasized certain body parts). I’m admittedly bad at maintaining an actual cardio routine. It varies by activity (hiking, impromptu bike rides, tossing around the football), but I’d say 1-2x’s a week of cardio on average. It’s...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @dynamitex Thank you (beat me to it)! What do you think of their other programs? I’ve purchased the powerlifting (peaking) template as well, thinking I’d migrate to that after another cycle on the Physique template, even with no plans to compete anytime soon. I low-key miss lifting heavy shit...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @rocky24 Thank you! And YES — I’ve only ever seen that picture as a body fat comparison for women. It’s all different women in photos that don’t even show their full physiques. I’ve purchased RP’s Powerlifting template awhile back with the idea of switching over after a cycle or two on the...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @matthew0101 The very first scan was done in my hometown from a different company, where they (for some reason) strapped my ankles, hence the inverted feet position. The remaining three scans were all done where I live now by the same company. Every scan was done under the same conditions: first...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @kalistos BRUTAL. It was awesome at first because the results were quickly noticeable, pretty much by the week. Having that feedback (and external validation from friends) kept me going but I could tell I was running on fumes near the end. Again, wouldn’t recommend unless contest prepping. And...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @teatimebabe28 Right there with you — saw decent size gains training for strength, but increased volume through hypertrophy specific training was the game changer that made me look like I lift. I moved recently and got a squat stand so I’m back to doing barbell work. Yesterday was the...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @psyop I wish! That ship has sailed. It’s a recreational league.
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @psyop It really was. The cognitive decline (brain fog) started to mess with me and I was always craving my next meal. The RP cutting template is aggressive but short and it does produce results. Definitely not sustainable. I’m at a point now where I’m aiming for years-long (lifelong really)...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @runner12 It’s a visual representation that success is not linear. It also taught me to be patient and to celebrate every victory, no matter how small. There’s more than one way to skin a cat. You can do a slow recomp over time (and have the visual results come much slower), so diving into...
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @vso Definitely now at ~19%. All I’m doing is lifting hard and eating intuitively (so, everything in moderation). I rarely drink and the only thing I’m tracking (estimating) is protein intake and ensuring I’m getting enough each day. That’s it!
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @alyoshakaramozov Really happy to hear it inspired you — the knowledge-sharing was intended to do just that :) Where I live (in the US), I just searched for “DEXA scan [my city]” and there are places that specifically offer it as a service for body composition readings. You can try that route...
  12. T

    Dexa Body Fat % Results Table by Height and Weight

    @jedidvena Heyyy! I'm in there :)))! Thanks for including me. This thread should be stickied. I remember feeling a little exhausted sifting for DEXA scan results in this subreddit that also included physique photos.
  13. T

    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @guevaraj Hello — thank you! Yes, I used RP’s Female Physique Template. The most recent pic in my post reflects one year’s worth of results following my that program.
  14. T

    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    Photos (4) DEXA scans + Physique: Detailed DEXA results from most recent scan @ 19.9% BF: Physique when sedentary: Intro 32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs. Skinny my entire life; fast metabolism. No sports background until adulthood (other than lifting weights, I play in a...