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  1. M

    Training Protocol to Supplement Marathon Training

    @hunter101 These are more or less my numbers, I weigh in at 3kg less and ran the half-marathon during my marathon ~4 minutes quicker so I'll definitley Look into The Giant
  2. M

    Training Protocol to Supplement Marathon Training

    @ant0099 I'm not shooting for a particular Time just looking to be better than with my last one so below 4:30:00 would be great - but I'm not a good runner and never will be, so I'm not that concerned about the time.
  3. M

    Training Protocol to Supplement Marathon Training

    Title pretty much says what I'm looking for, need some input on routines to supplement my training. Regarding KB I'm not a complete beginner, did EtK in 2020 up to being able to snatch 20kg KB ~160 times in 10 minutes and did the 10000 swings challenge with the 24kg KB in early 2021. Since...