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  1. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @lilalavoz Haha actually, I didn't really. I am also a grad student, and you have to keep your eye out for GAP 40% sales!! I went from a 4 in most pants to a 6 in GAP, which is glamour sized up to 8. So yes, I went up quite a few sizes. Worse, my tops went from small to large. My shoulders...
  2. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @cush32 I had to learn how to tighten things up. I film almost everything nowadays, and hitting a set and seeing how it looks immediately afterwards is crucial. I watched a ton of videos, but the main way I got my sumo fixed was on a trip to Portland. I visited Chris Duffin's gym, and the guy...
  3. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @ladysaane Protein powder, usually 30-60 g of protein per day, creatine, BCAAs. That's it, really. I eat a lot of chili (I posted the recipe elsewhere in the thread, Ctrl+F chili) -- but the components make up much of my diet. I eat lots of beans, nuts, tofu, tempeh, and I am not afraid of...
  4. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @rickinpearland sure thing, if you do and have some questions feel free to PM me or reply here or whatever
  5. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @rickinpearland It's scary having to put more and more weight on. If you are stalling, cube is a nice program but I would make sure you do what I do to keep up your "main lift" volume. Cube has squatting once/week, dead once/week, and bench once/week. I recommend you use squat variations as...
  6. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @iamscience Took a long time, man! I thought I had herniated disks for a while, but I never had sciatica. It was just a dull throbbing lower back pain without any of the tells of a disc bulge. I went to a slew of not-so-great physical therapists who never bothered to figure out what the...
  7. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @fmontanay2 I got mine from strengthshop. They now have a US store. Lever 13 mm. They are super quick with shipping and have really nice customer service, and they are good for IPF meets -- used it at raw nationals. It's a little less expensive than an inzer, but it's also non-leather.
  8. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    @water141 I uhhh was already but thanks!
  9. C

    [PROGRESS] 3 years of powerlifting, BW 130 lb --> 155 lbs, SQ/BP/DL 300/143/308 lbs

    Hey ladies, TL;DR: my 3 years of progress video (SFW) Bodyweight changes -- I think they are quite evident from the video, but if you'd like to see a small album of some less SFW pictures you are welcome to PM me. Preamble I've been following the sub for a while and thought I would show...
  10. C

    Female lifter squats 496lbs at 182lbs body weight

    @goneguy Her previous records were in the IPF. Click.