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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @button Damn, similar physique to me; I need a beard. Just as a related note, take a look at Fibre Fueled (here) which may help with your digestive issues and move towards a 100% plant-powered diet.
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    HANDSTAND MOTIVATIONAL MONTH 2017! Join us today, and get INVERTED

    @ering Stats: Mid-40s, 186cm, 86kg. Goal: Nothing HS related... Progress: ...but I needed to HS to get where I’m going. My HS is pretty good (), no real issues there. I’ve been playing with press work and planche (-ve training mostly, reps and static), and doing HS on things because why not...
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    The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

    @lovinggodlovingpeople This is great. You should do a HSPU video too! (ahem)
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    [27M] I tried GMB's Parallettes One Program. Here is my experience, results, and review

    @lorpro I think they should add bent arm stand to that, something I’ve struggled with working through P2. However, it doesn’t prevent one from getting through the programme as it is highly customisable, using exercise blocks (think progressions) and auto-regulation to obtain the flow. Quality...
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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @thomaslowrens Does The Fly count? I love the gymnastic scene in that. As a younger man, it was one of the greatest things I’d ever seen.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @djkword 40x1, you got it
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @atheautistic Don’t wanna get too swole
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @mohmed More so when considering it is lean bodyweight too; that is, the muscle, sinew and tissue without body fat.
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe The subs recommended routine:
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    Classic handbalancing/calisthenics books in PDF now free online

    @klong0149 I've always wondered how to wear the Litesome Standard model correctly.
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe Seems like a lot of work and stretching when I’m sure something like the RR does a decent job of combating strength (and thus posture) issues while also increasing body awareness. Of course, avoiding sitting down (for example) will also help.
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    HANDSTAND MOTIVATIONAL MONTH 2017! Join us today, and get INVERTED

    @dont Courage where? Fear of falling or just self-confidence (both!)? I say go for it anyway; it's a difficult barrier to overcome although the more time you spend failing can be a good thing - kick over too far, learn to spin out of a hold. Roll if you need to, or even just re-positioning...