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    Coolest representations of calisthenics in movies, animation, video games and other media?

    @thomaslowrens Does The Fly count? I love the gymnastic scene in that. As a younger man, it was one of the greatest things I’d ever seen.
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @djkword 40x1, you got it
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    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @atheautistic Don’t wanna get too swole
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    3 Years of Calisthenics (Lots of info)

    @mohmed More so when considering it is lean bodyweight too; that is, the muscle, sinew and tissue without body fat.
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe The subs recommended routine:
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    Classic handbalancing/calisthenics books in PDF now free online

    @klong0149 I've always wondered how to wear the Litesome Standard model correctly.
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    Fucked Up Posture due to Desk Job. Is there a solution?

    @withwonderingawe Seems like a lot of work and stretching when I’m sure something like the RR does a decent job of combating strength (and thus posture) issues while also increasing body awareness. Of course, avoiding sitting down (for example) will also help.
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    HANDSTAND MOTIVATIONAL MONTH 2017! Join us today, and get INVERTED

    @dont Courage where? Fear of falling or just self-confidence (both!)? I say go for it anyway; it's a difficult barrier to overcome although the more time you spend failing can be a good thing - kick over too far, learn to spin out of a hold. Roll if you need to, or even just re-positioning...