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  1. M

    Seeking gossip (no but like real CrossFit gossip)

    @christhasrisen2000 The clicky classes are usually mid twenty’s early thirties and go in the evening. Mornings are a blessing, everyone has shit to do and is there to workout
  2. M

    Favourite grips

    @chasingvisions Do they work fine on powder coated bars or just for raw (spealer)
  3. M

    What’s the most ‘pure’ or ‘OG’ CrossFit program you know of?

    @fmfl247 You don’t like doing box jumps every other day
  4. M

    Anyone else struggling with a skill that seems impossible to learn?

    @shiner3lima Also figure out what your issue is? Speed under the bar, bar path, bad pull, poor acceleration, no stability overhead, mobility (where), OHS. From there you can figure out a path to improve besides just snatching and potentially reinforce bad patterns.
  5. M

    How I build a base phase for QF crossfit athlete

    @g2perk It’s wild to me that someone weighing 185, only has a 135 strict press, but can perform 50 strict hspus