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  1. T

    What are some lifts you didn't use to rate, but have grown to love?

    I have recently come back to doing dumbbell flyes after not having them in my program for like a year and damn, they are MASSACRING my chest. I used to rate it as a C-tier movement, now it makes me sore and pumped like nothing else. What are some lifts you used to dislike, or just not get much...
  2. T

    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 I'll be real, I don't feel comfortable sharing pics online. I used to be fat, and I still feel fat whenever I'm not at the very apex of a cutting phase, even when I hit ~10% BF. I get that you're a PT, but pretty much every coach out there recommends, and almost every popular program I...
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 Lots of people do vibes-based training, I just think it's fairly pointless to discuss that on a bodybuilding sub
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 There's also nothing magical about getting close to failure, eating your protein, or getting good quality sleep - it's just good practice if you want the most out of your training. People do 3-5 day PPL because it's a super easy template, not because it's good (and anything that...
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @jess1 Nah, because it's structured around 6 days a week. If you do it less than that, you won't be hitting some muscles 2x/week. At that point it's better to run a different program.
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    Transitioning from 6 days a weeks to 3-4

    @bobwhite That's not good advice. He's doing PPL. That's a great way to work out over 6 days, and a pretty bad way to workout over 3 days. He doesn't need to waste months trying it to understand the obvious.