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  1. J

    Need help with my overhead press

    @person21 Thank you! Sounds like I'm just gonna have to work harder at this than all the others. Won't let it break me.
  2. J

    Need help with my overhead press

    @mrorvelle Okay, so at least it's not abnormal. Was a bit worried how quickly I hit failure on it. Was a bit demoralizing. I had a trainer help me keep my form in check, but I'll take a look. Thanks!
  3. J

    Need help with my overhead press

    Hey, I'm a small dude who has started lifting heavy to gain weight recently. I started with bar with strong lifts 5x5. I'm over 135 on squats and have been going for a bit over a month and a half. I just hit 90 on my overhead press and it's becoming so difficult. Starting to hit failure on this...