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  1. J

    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi Yeah man, I totally agree about the respect thing. People are way more deferential and respectful to me as a muscular man than they ever were when i was really thin. It's just the way it is. I admit, I also like looking imposing/intimidating. I also agree about shit catching up to you...
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    4 years of hard work

    @silsophi Well, what is the ultimate goal? Being attractive to women if you're straight? We know from research that a fit, athletic built is max attractive to women. Most women are not into a tren monster look. Keep that in mind. Also, 4 years is a while esp in your 20s, but it's a slow...
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    Calisthenics with Wendler 5/3/1 or nSuns

    @hubalicious Wendler has a bodyweight template in the original 5/3/1 book. He has you doing chinups, dips, single leg squats (I assume pistols or shrimp squats), etc. Alternatively, you could take a template like the Periodization Bible one from the 5/3/1 book and substitute ring/BW exercises...
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @righteousbyfaith i like fitted tees and shorts/jeans. i'm a millenial first of all but also, i wanna show off the gains, not hide em.
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @barefoothannahb Could be your training, could be your diet/nutrition, could be that bulk/cut cycles don't work well for you (you may need to try recomping at a higher BF percentage), could be recovery problems, could be a genetic component, could be a combo of any/all of these. You say you're...
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    A bodybuilder's experience going from weights only to calisthenics-based training

    @bubbles0023 BBR is a great bodybuilding style program, and there are some good reviews of it on the sub. Fitness FAQs/Daniel Vandal has a great and useful YouTube channel as well.