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  1. G

    What should I wear to the gym as a overweight man 5’9 270

    @e%CA%8Da%CA%80t%C9%A8%D5%BC Whatever is comfortable for you to move in.
  2. G

    What is a better transition workout: easier variations vs negatives vs lower reps vs longer rest?

    @yahleel For this specific case, I'd do 2 followed by 1. Short sets of the hard, specific exercise followed by volume of the easier, nonspecific exercise that still has carryover.
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    Am I just lazy or do I geniunely need to see a doctor?

    @dan87 With your heart condition and surgical history you should absolutely see a doctor before you begin any kind of physical training plan. Ideally a cardiologist can safely put you through a cardiac stress test (ideally a stress echo or maybe nuclear stress test) and you can discuss your...
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    @walkingwiththeholyspirit You need to select a few exercises split up in a coherent way, and make a plan to progress them clearly. You can check out the r/fitness program wiki for some basic beginner recommendations. As far as the booty goals, "Strong Curves" by Bret Contreras is regularly...