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  1. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @deathdefeated I’m still trying to get it flatter! Although it could just be loose skin at this point. I mainly noticed my arms and chest first, the stomach kinda crept up on me which was a pleasant surprise. So I suppose it was the last thing to really drop off, though I also need a whole new...
  2. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @mwj Wow this is the mother of all helpful posts! You have no idea how helpful it is but I’m definitely getting a good idea from all that info. I think I’ve got plenty to work on (which keeps me engaged and interested!) Definitely got some googling to do on some of those terms but I’m glad to...
  3. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @mwj Thanks, that's really interesting actually. I do try to focus on form as much as possible, slowing down the movement and I could look to try and do that even more. I didn't realise that bulking and cutting could be as vast as 30-50lbs, so maybe that's where I'm a little out of tune. It's...
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    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @christlike1982 Thanks! and happy cake day!
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    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @dawn16 Thankyou! And I’m glad it helps, I hope you hit your goals smoothly and there’s definitely been times when I’ve doubted myself, but I kept at it and I think once you get past the wall then it really works!
  6. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @danielhart Thanks! I was able to do a number of pull-ups from the beginning but I've gotten slowly better. I could maybe do 3 x 3 at the start comfortably. I'm not an expert but maybe it's easier for me as I'm shorter so the same weight is packed into a smaller lever, essentially. I've never...
  7. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @mrswright Nice one! I hope it goes well! I have no idea what BF% I am - still a little fatty in parts but I can tell there's a big difference to my starting size so that's all that matters to me. If I can work it off in the process then brilliant!
  8. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @rosannarmiller I'm taking about 45 seconds to a minute rest between sets. If I'm really on the ball with my timings it takes just over an hour, but if I stop to top up my drink, etc. then it can take 5-10 minutes longer. I'm not sure if maybe my sets are a bit fast, but I have been conciously...
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    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @rmon18 Haha, yes of course! Perhaps I should have a larger percentage of veggies but I try to get the greens in where I can.
  10. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    @geekgrl76 Thankyou! My lifestyle before was not very disciplined - I would snack a lot and wasn't particularly aware of my caloric intake. My meal portions were much larger too, so I think I was always consuming a lot of food with virtually no exercise. I think as soon as I started to track...
  11. D

    Progress over four months, all while losing weight. Pointers moving forward?

    EDIT: Wow, thankyou so much for feedback, critique, compliments, the awards and GOLD! Never thought I would be one of the proud medal owners, so kind! I've been doing bodyweight fitness for around four months now. I had never lifted a weight or done any sort of strength training before this...