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    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @ready2change Secret is to go before work when it's empty and so you can start the day feeling great
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    My partner (22F) really wants a bbl and I’m opposed due to known dangers. Is building a full rear realistic through bodybuilding?

    @decibyte Another thing to consider. An ass made in the gym is firm , has slight jiggle, and is noticeably more taut (lack of better word) in yoga pants. A bbl is literally placing extra fat there. This introduces the possibility of calcite, lumpy dimpled flesh. It will also be flabby cheeks...
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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @ayu415 I'd agree having trouble gaining weight is better than having trouble losing it for sure. Best of luck man, stay consistent
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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @ayu415 Ofcourse it all boils down to cal in and cal out and you can't do much about that. But what you can do is add muscle and raise your BMR. Not sure what your exercise routine is but for weight loss , lifting>cardio and then you get the added benefit of muscle building and raising your base...
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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @michaelkep I'm 5'6" lmao and 194 right now at 16% My daily goal is only 300 calories short of yours, that's 1 tbsp of olive oil
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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @courtneyatzn Yea I use a blender cup , even with heaping tablespoons there's no taste or texture change
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    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @michaelkep Chicken, olive oil, oatmeal with peanut butter , yogurt, tuna, ground turkey, salmon, There are denser foods but I err on the healthier options , I aim for 3800 a day my meals are: Special k protein cereal and whole milk pre-workout -350ish A post workout shake of whole milk, 2/3...