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  1. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    @vegdar It's both and I'm used to it (and look we all kind of crave that soreness that tells us we hit it good). Tendon issue is separate and I'm addressing that as well. I'm just trying to fix the constant soreness - either through a change in my approach or supplement.
  2. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    @mrlutrinae thanks! that's exactly the advice I've been looking for. Appreciate it!
  3. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    @karengodsgirlk2 Fairly sure there is some overtraining going on for sure. Have tried the couple of weeks off before but still end up in the same place. I know I need to adjust the split and have already begun reducing the set count down per body part.
  4. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    I've been actively lifting for 38 years now, so I am not new to this game and completely recognize the adjustments to Testosterone and recovery as I've gotten older but my muscle soreness is off the chart lately. Granted, I probably still train like I'm 20 but my split (single body part/day)...