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  1. E

    4'9" and i hate it

    @dawn16 The BMI literally changed overnight in the 90s, so people who went to bed overweight woke up obese. The man who invented it was a statistician who used it as an averaging tool for populations. He himself said explicitly that it could not and should not be used to indicate the level of...
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    4'9" and i hate it

    @bluebird29 Yeah BMI is bullshit. She was just ranting, I think she understands her weight might be an issue and doesn't need your "well actually." Highly recommend you learn about the history of BMI before using it as a metric of health and wellness. Edit: lol being downvoted by people who...
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    @paulbassett This sounds fabulous! I'm going to copy you!
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    @paulbassett Do you add while you're cooking the oatmeal or after?
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    4'9" and i hate it

    @bluebird29 According to what, the BMI?
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    I’m so upset…

    @timothy1212 Naw you don't really need them unless you're sweating A LOT from exertion. I use them because I don't like pre-workout and enjoy a little flavoring in my water while I work out.
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    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @woollybear You'll lose body fat if you eat in a deficit, get your steps, and get maybe 60-90 minutes of additional cardio a week. To maintain your muscle you'll need to meet your protein goal and continue your progressive overload weight training. You should feel hungry in a deficit but not...
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    When I exercise, I don’t lose weight. But when I stop exercising and just eat less, I lose weight

    @woollybear There's no way you're gaining belly fat so quickly. Maybe it's bloating from water retention. You retain a lot of water when lifting weights. I think you just need to evaluate what your fitness goals are. If you want to lose weight you need to eat in a deficit, if you don't want to...