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  1. I

    Lifting is a women's bestfriend for getting toned. (-5lbs, 19.5% bodyfat)

    @christianwithhope Damn! Girl that’s amazing! You clearly put on some muscle—your legs don’t look bigger but definitely more defined and you have abs! AND!! You created curves!
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    I can’t even do a wall push. Not even one

    @alidvx Howdy! I'm your same height and similar size and used to be 20 (I'm currently 30) and didn't start working out until I was 25. When I started; I ran here and there, but was 100% weak sauce--like could not do a pushup, or a plank, or even a proper dead-bug/tucked hollow hold. So 2...
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    Blessed to be alive and strong

    @blizzardlover428 Hey there fellow crossfitter! You look absolutely friggin amazing in that second pic--you not only look radiant (that smile) but you look strong and capable. Keep up the good work!
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    Long Post Ahead...but my progress report after 5 months of no gym access--spoiler, gains were not all lost

    @genenco Yea so the progression part I found it easier to progress via reps in many instances and then progressing to the next challenging one the next time and doing as many reps at that form and then rest of volume with the easier form. So basically splitting between the two and aiming for...
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    Long Post Ahead...but my progress report after 5 months of no gym access--spoiler, gains were not all lost

    @genenco Thank you! Discipline is a big part of it, I'm not going to lie--like it's not fun doing 400m lunges by yourself (or 8 minutes at home). I did that one outside, on a 40C day, on the sidewalk in the city, in shorts and forgot to wear knee sleeves so wound up with a few scrapes and cuts...
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    Long Post Ahead...but my progress report after 5 months of no gym access--spoiler, gains were not all lost

    @dawn16 He is one of my inspos! Along with Greg Nuckols who gave me the idea of doing single leg squats on his Stronger By Science podcast and weighted pushups.
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    Long Post Ahead...but my progress report after 5 months of no gym access--spoiler, gains were not all lost

    Hi all; originally wrote this as a comment and it was given the approval to be a standalone progress post. I want to take a moment to both brag, but also share, about having returned to the gym (around 3 weeks back) and finding myself pleasantly surprised having lost very little actual strength...