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  1. C

    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    Hey guys what do u think about this program: 2x a week Pull-ups / Chinups: 5x5 bw ( Add weight if I complete 5x5) Cable rows- 3x10-12 Db curls- 3 x 10-12 Hammer curls- 2x 10-12
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @clalrama Tnx, I'm gonna start doing it only twice a week hereon and let's see how it goes
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @chosen44 I was doing 5rm program and failed week 3 thrice. I will try weighted pull-ups.
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @emdee123 Do u mean that I add weight after reaching 3x10 ?
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @emdee123 Hey bro what do u think about this program: 2x a week Pull-ups / Chinups: 5x5 bw ( Add weight if I complete 5x5) Cable rows- 3x10-12 Db curls- 3 x 10-12 Hammer curls- 2x 10-12
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @ianf19 My core strength is pretty shit. I can plank for a minute and I can do only 10 hanging knee raises. Do u think my core strength could have been the reason for this plateau?
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @savedintx 185cm ( 6'1 ) and 84 kgs (190 lbs)
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @savedintx I don't think my grip is failing coz I can deadhang for like 70 seconds. And my deadlift 1rm is around 165 kgs.
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    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @roamingnomad Can I put the weights in a backpack and do pull-ups?
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    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @roamingnomad No I haven't tried weighted pull-ups because I was planning to implement it after hitting 10 pull-ups.
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @yhjmkiop Oh ok I will try switching grips between sessions
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    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    @audiotech No his program doesn't have weighted pull-ups
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    Hard plateau in pull-ups

    I have been working out for 15 months now and I have been around the same bodyweight. Stats (Height:6'1, weight: 185 lbs). Started at 1 pull-up and over the course of 7 months I got to 8 pull-ups. Initially I had two pull days where I did pull-ups to failure for 3-4 sets and was progressing...
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @dcjh Tnx a lot bro
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    @dcjh Any tips on how would you use ur back more?
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    Stuck on 7 pull-ups forever

    Hey guys I started working out about 9 months ago. Getting to 10 pull-ups always used to be my goal. On the 1st day I was able to do 1 rep. After about 3 months of training I got to 6-7 rep mark. I was confident that I would be able to do 10 pull-ups in some more time. But I was never able to...