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    How to benchpress heavier?

    @ehveesmom couple questions: 1. kamusta pagkain mo? are you eating enough protein? 2. nakakatulog ka ba ng tama? like 7+ hours per night? 3. gaano ka kadalas mag-bench per week? usually those are good places to start, kahit ako guilty s eating and sleeping portion, and I know right away kung...
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    What X-week program have you run before, and ano yung naging experience nyo?

    @nessmisfit No probs, and thank you din sa pagshare ng Average to Savage! One time payment ba sha, or may free template? And by how much nag-increase ung 1RMs mo since nung first time mo i-run ung program? Nacurious ako dun s portion ng accessory selection, nagre-research ako ngayon kung paano...
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    What X-week program have you run before, and ano yung naging experience nyo?

    @salvatore_sunset TIL about Rippler and GZCL, and shiiiit AMRAP with training max?? I might need to take the rest of that day off haha Just out of curiosity, by how much tumaas ung 1RMs mo since nagstart ka sa Rippler?
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    What X-week program have you run before, and ano yung naging experience nyo?

    As per title, ano ung program na ni-run nyo and kamusta ung experience nyo? Programs like Starting Strength, Candito 6-week program, etc.? Background: Nagsimula ako mag-workout around 2021, and sinundan ko yung Starting Strength progam ni Mark Rippetoe (tinry ko muna ung 5x5 kaso 2 weeks in pa...