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  1. P

    2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

    @thespeedboy Been doing CF for 10 months now so really didn’t know what to expect trying the open, but went into it with a goal of making top 10% (Quarterfinals?). Right now sitting at the 86th percentile which is okay, but going to have to do well on the last one. I’m not proficient with RMU...
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @johnmorre91 With this being a CrossFit sub I was thinking shoulder press. If it’s bench then yeah it’s quite a bit easier.
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @johnmorre91 If someone squats low 300s they better have a damn good DL relative to their back squat. A 300 BS and 500 DL means they would still have to shoulder press 200, and at least from my experience a 200 lb shoulder press is a lot more rare than a 300 lb squat.
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    1000 lb club sub 4:30 mile same day - possible?

    @revjrm2047 I should have clarified - a person that can squat 400+ then turn around and run a sub 4:30 mile is pretty elite to me. For a pure competitive runner I would still classify a sub 4:30 mile as still “very good”
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @remiirekiigbe King Kong is pretty short and super fun. The weights are just too high for a lot of people to even complete it, but if you’re capable of lifting the weight I wouldn’t classify it as a “hard” workout.
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @barronkanetaylor I just looked up manion - that may give kalsu a run for it’s money. Even with just 135 it’s still over 200 squats
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    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @kexonplastic Kalsu is hands down the toughest one for 95% of people. It just breaks you.
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    Am I too heavy?

    @kutloello Depends on what your goals are. If you’re just trying to be generally fit/look good your height/weight/bf is pretty solid, but if you’re trying to get into doing comps then personally I would drop a little weight. I have a similar build (6’2”, 200, 12% currently), and if I am going to...