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  1. C

    Too Much Volume?

    @4eyedfenix Shoulders, chest, arms, back and legs on day 1. What do you do on the other 4-5 days? As always, it's recommended that you follow a real program. Sometimes you don't know that you are overworked until something breaks so to speak.
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    Starting new program

    @rootsrockreggae I think 160 lbs bench press is something you would reach after a few months adding weight to the bar every session as a beginner. Can you explain how you have been training? Any shoulder issues? Have you thought about technique?
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    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 Well it's an arms program, so rest is maintanence. He also recommended a lighter period of a few weeks to get used to the volume.
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    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 There's this old Swedish bodybuilder, Ehrling Wahlgren, who swore by doing a high volume split with arms three days per week and full body three days per week. It was like 3 supersets (so 6 exercises) for triceps, 3 supersets for biceps and a couple for forearms, end with shoulders...
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    Seriously stubborn and weak chest

    @polarbearwear Approximately 5 sets per week sounds very low. I would double the frequency. If you want to focus your bench for a month or two you could even go 3x weekly.