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    Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises

    @ray0174 The first two exercises aren’t even that bad. They’re basically just variations that emphasize the lengthened partial in the stretch position, which is quite popular these days since there are a few studies supporting it. Granted the last exercise just seems silly. It probably works...
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    What should I change to make more progress?

    @sphynx The important thing is that the sets need to be difficult to make a difference. For compound movements if you’re going near failure, you should be sweating and breathing hard after each set and need like 3+ minutes to catch your breath and let your muscles recover. The typical advice is...
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    What should I change to make more progress?

    @sphynx IMO if you have enough energy to do 6 sets for a compound exercise, you're probably not going close enough to failure. I think you should try lowering the number of sets to 3 or something and try to hit failure every set. You should feel completely hosed by the time you finish.
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    What should I change to make more progress?

    @tom34 Is 60kg bench press really 1-3 months for average man from scratch? I was thinking like 1-3 years? I started working out for the time semi-regularly in college and it took me like 4 years to go from just the bar to almost reaching two plates. (Though I was counting for reps not 1rm)...
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @eznguyenphuong07 Yup exactly the same. If I try to push a new PR in terms of reps and go to failure, I usually drop 2-3 reps. If I leave 1 RIR, I can usually match reps, or maybe only drop 1.
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    overtraining impacting results

    @luke2334janel I worked out semi-consistently throughout most of college with periods of intense focus and periods of not so much, and it also took me like 5-6 years to get to your numbers. My numbers peaked (reps with two plates) around 2016 when I was taking it the most seriously, then...