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    Can I get fit with only minimal outside gym?

    @layla If I were you I'd get a sandbag so you can do heavier lifts for your legs but calisthenics is enough for upper body
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    Which KB do you suggest

    @sarahharpmusic 1
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    Are presses enough for upper chest?

    @curiousmel Pushups are very effective if you do them correctly. Overhead pressing mostly uses your shoulders so they're not going to grow your chest very much. Doing a few sets of 10 pushups with your hands elevated on books and bringing your chest all the way to ground will grow your chest...
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    Kettlebell weight at my (f) fitness level?

    @pencillead 12kilo/24 pounds is the usual starting weight for women . Just focus on developing good techniques for the first few weeks, don't try to get crazy with complexes and long cycles.
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    pull-up advice

    @kyrani Do you put a band under your chin or something?